Desire is common even in healthy people and usually is detected without consequences. Markers are placed in the stomach is commonly found in the lungs of healthy individuals using scintigraphy methods [
]. Aspiration pneumonia refers to lung effects as a result of abnormally fluid, solid particles of exogenous compounds or endogenous secretions into the lower airways. There are usually two requirements for aspiration pneumonia:
compromise in the usual protection to protect the lower airways including glottic closure, cough reflex and other mechanisms for cleaning

seed harmful effect on strattera side effects lower respiratory tract by direct toxic effect, stimulation of the inflammatory process with very high bacterial seeding or obstruction in connection with sufficient materials or solid particles
Most pneumonia occurs after aspiration bacteria from the mouth and nose. The term aspiration pneumonia should be reserved for pneumonia as a result of the changed security clearance are discussed above. Pathogenic microorganisms commonly produce pneumonia such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, gram-negative bacillus and staphylococcus aureus, for dangerous bacteria, so that only a small crop need and desire tend to thin. True aspiration pneumonia, the agreement is usually related to infections caused by less virulent bacteria, primarily anaerobes, which are common components of the normal flora in susceptible body prone to aspiration. Predisposing conditions, clinical syndromes, diagnosis and treatment of aspiration pneumonia will be considered here. Acquired pneumonia, nosocomial pneumonia, pneumonia due to specific pathogens, empyema and lung abscess are discussed separately. (See reviews of the topic). .
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